Thursday, May 18, 2006

a taste of Namibia

for anyone who wants to feel a little bit more like they are living in Namibia:

might i recommend "Best of Both Worlds" by Faizel MC featuring The Dogg and Sunny Boy

other factoids from today:

twisted my ankle
attended my first class at Namcol - Introductory Otjiherero
i think there is a major dogfight going on outside right now
my feet are freeeeeeeezing!
hoping and praying that my parents care package arrives
4 weeks till June 16th
realized that I talk to the roaches in my kitchen

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Your feet are ALWAYS freezing!!!!!
Yeah...well...maybe you need fuzzier slippers ;o) Hey, is anyone coming to visit you soon, or sending a package or something...that I could send a certain DVD of a May event to you? (if Dave get's it finished in time)

Wish you could come to Bahama Breeze on Sat for me and Ralph's bday...thinking of you.

Love ya!