Monday, May 28, 2007

i am still alive...

i just live in the land of sllllllllloooow internet. so in the interest of time, here's whats been going on:

the 4 week school holiday just ended, i moved to a small flat on a farm across the river, buddy took my place on Dr. Vedder Street, chewing through romans with maveja, changed up some things with sunday's gathering, met some new people because of that, sam got his visa(!happy!), maveja did not (!nothappy!), praying about that and applying again this week or next, i'm a pro at making flour tortillas now, i discovered the wonder that is Sweet Oshikandela, Todd and Erin left for the States on Sunday, went to Julia's bring n' braai wedding shower, wedding this coming weekend, Buddy's mom is here, Joy Baker is back for the occasion, Josh and Amber arrive on the 9th(!happy!), been planning our fun stuff...ETOSHA, SWAKOP, VICTORIA FALLS...starting to figure out what stuff i'm keeping and what else I can give away, praying for maveja's visa, wondering when it's all going to hit me that I'm actually leaving this place, its COLD HERE, living on the farm means one BIG DOG, two little ones, and tons of cats, found flights for Sam and i - we're arriving in the USA the same day only a few hours apart, loving Lisa J and Amber for all their help with this wedding planning, drinking lots of coffee, praying for maveja's visa, doing a lot of baking, its really WINDY, giving guitar lessons to Christaan, Bible Study with Nelda, Woodcarvers, Christaan played guitar with me for Sunday's gathering and did an awesome job, praying for maveja's visa.....
