Saturday, May 28, 2005

my recent life, in short

a friend of mine from the Doulos, one of the beloved Aussies, wrote me out the blue the other day. i haven't heard from her since october when we parted in Italy. she went on traveling for another month or so, and i returned to the States. she asked the usual question, "so what have you been up to since then?" and i was faced with turning the question on myself. what have i been up to since then??

here is what floods my mind as i ponder the last 7 months (in no particular order):

catching up with good friends
drinking coffee
taking a class on world missions
lots of rock climbing
taking pictures
traveling to California
more climbing
getting rid of my debts so i can be prepared to "GO!"
making jewelry
being blown away by the Word
walking away from the Word
returning to the Word
being challenged in an amazingly HUGE "SmiG"
preparing to "lead" a team to Namibia
being happy with being single
being frustrated with being single
being overwhelmed with God's provision
driving in a blizzard
returning to Youth ministry
singing whenever possible
emailing people all over the world
working night shift
sleeping during the day
losing a lot of sleep
eating ethnic food
being called "Schmanda" a lot
quoting Napoleon Dynamite
did i mention rock climbing?
cutting my hair
enjoying my church
getting a new tattoo...

yeah, that's pretty much what i've been up to, i guess.

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