The turnout was really good. The members from the Fellowship group invited their friends and groupmates.

Sam was the narrator for a dramatic reading. He did a great job.

Loyson, Owen, Gracewin, and Pooja put together a dance. Everyone in the crowd really got into it.

I played guitar and sang a song called "Papers and Boxes" written by the band "The Rainchildren". I have always loved this song. The words are so great. And just because i know you've probably never heard this song before since this band was a local band when I was growing up in PA, here are the lyrics:
"Was it a night like this when You were born?
Cold sky painted dark, and the stars so unclear
And while You were sharing with the animals their room
did they smile and look at You
like they do in the coloring books and cartoons?
I wish I could've held You
And I wish that You would hold me now.
And i wish i could've carried You,
just like You carry me
just like You carry me
just like You carry me
So here we are around this Christmas tree
Seems so out of place, a little one in straw and in hay
And the beautiful papers and boxes that its so lovely to receive
Did we forget the One, baby, Savior, King?
And I believe,
And I wish i could have held You
And i wish that I could hold You now
And i wish I could've carried You,
just like you carry me
just like You carry me
just like You carry me"

Sam and Chuks performing the skit, "Neither Do I"

Dianna shared her testimony which was very powerful. i don't have any pictures because I was too engrossed in what she was saying to remember to take any! but my engrossment was not unique. the whole room was quiet, intently listening, which is saying a lot considering the room was full of non-Christians - many Hindus - many of whom have in the past told their Christian groupmates they "aren't interested" in hearing about Jesus.
And afterwards we served our guests dinner and all ate together.

Sorry i haven't been posting regularly recently. I shall try to rememdy that. Well at least i have an excuse for this week...i am fighting off a sore throat/cold and havne't been motivated to do much of anything. but today it seems that i could be on the mend. here's hoping.
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