
Sam and I settled in to our room and while Sam joined the others for drinks i opted for a hot shower, something i haven't been able to do at my own house for several weeks. It was wonderful and I was again reminded of how much i take the little things for granted. bedtime came around 3am and i dreaded the knock on the door the next morning which i knew would inevitably come at 8am sharp. This time however, Sam felt less inclined to drag himself out of bed for morning calisthenics, and i was perfectly happy to go along with that. instead we took our time getting up and getting ready and arrived bright-eyed and clean at breakfast at 9am. the same old bland food greeted us at breakfast, but we ate our fill, knowing that we'd need to have those carbs and calories in order to keep up with Max and Olga, the entirely too energetic fitness instructors. an hour of downtime for digesting later, we met outside in the field for exercise stations: elastic bands for squats, curls, biceps and triceps, abdominal crunches, yoga "plank" positions, push-ups...you name it, we did it. here's Max instructing us on what to do. (yes, you can literally SEE his muscles through his shirt. yikes.)
next was lunch, and after that, an awesome time off-road cycling through the countryside (and even a bit through the forest). this was definitely much more fun than the failed attempt at a scavenger hunt which took place in the afternoon of the first day last time. the scenery was beautiful and the weather absolutely perfect for a long ride. i don't know how many kilometers we rode that day, but we were gone for several hours - up and down hills, through mud and tall grass, past loggers and wide open fields with tall grass and wild flowers. lovely.
we refueled at dinner in the cafeteria like usual, but this time we had a plan. Eric and Max had gone into town and bought shaslik (shiskabobs) of pork, fresh vegetables, pickles and garlic, lavash, and of course alcohol (this is Russia, after all). we had some down time after the cafeteria dinner and people relaxed, showered or went to the pool (NOT ME!). Sam and I played ping pong and a game of billiards. so around 10pm we had our REAL dinner. Sam was drafted to do the grilling (he always loves a good Braai!) and we all gathered outside huddled around the fire enjoying wonderfully grilled shashlik and all the fixings. there was lots of chatting - Englilsh and Russian - good stories and tons of laughter. and the local dogs enjoyed our feast as much as we did - the scored some good handouts. i must note that all the shashlik were pork because that is all the local store had in stock. Lusha is Muslim and for her, eating pork is "haram" (a sin) and so she ate veggies and bread and had to forgo the shashlik, much to her disappointment. Arthur, who Lusha is not forcing to follow Muslim tradition was allowed to make his own choice. halfway through the evening he had been given a small chunk of pork and whether for a religious choice, or because he just didn't want it, he decided he wanted to give it to the dog, who was looking on. but before he gave it, he made sure to ask his mom, "is it a sin for a dog to eat pork?" such a thoughtful young guy. we assured him that it was ok, so the dog got a tasty treat.
the next day we enjoyed hitting the volleyball around before being beat into shape by Olga and her aerobic kickboxing class.
the second afternoon it was our turn to use the saunas. the enjoyment of sweating everything out together, followed by a dip in an icy jacuzzi is hard to explain, but it was again, the perfect close to a very active weekend.
no pool naxis, no crying, no utter confusion about trying to complete the smallest task...all in all, a very good second weekend in the country.
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