I did not take this photo, Amy McSwegin did, but I was just looking at it today and remembering this sweet time with lots of heaping nostalgia. This was right before we left Ohio. We shared frozen custard with dear friends, looked at wedding photos, (Neil taught Sam the "neat trick" of spinning his wedding band on the table to see how long it would spin, which he still does from time to time and did I mention that I am just so very proud of that....yeah, uh, Neil thanks for that....) sense the sarcasm? good, because i'm laying it on pretty thick.
In the photo, from left to right: Sam, Lisa J, Josh V, Neil, Maveja, Mike, Amy, Me.
I love it because, well, I can't really explain why, but just that when i look at it, I feel loved. And I am encouraged that the warmness of summer breezes and comfort of flip flips will one day return. Just for today I will pretend that it didnt just snow 3 more inches. I will take cheer in the fact that it is now almost 5pm and it is not yet dark outside. Amen.
anything i can do to help. we miss you around here... if it makes you feel any better, it's really cold and snowy here, too :) kristi was just saying the other day how much she longs for days of flip-flops and skirts...
Amanda, the funny thing is that I, too came across this picture just a few days ago and tweaked it in photoshop; turned it black and white, and it is SO COOL looking... I printed it as an 8x10 and have it framed in my living room. I think this photo should be titled "Romans 10:15"; :And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
It makes me think about how all of our feet will probably never be on the same soil at the same time ever again; and how sweet it was for it to happen just that time...
I also love telling people who is in the photo, where those people have been, where they are going, and where they WANT to be.
Love it.
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