Shaddy and I having tea on my front step one morning:

Playing his new favorite game, Memory:

Every time he gets a pair that matches he runs to me with them in his hand and says, "Amanda, I win!" I always smile and say, "Good job!" So now when he plays Memory with a friend they each run eagerly to me to show me their pairs and smile delightedly when I say "Good job!" I even hear them say "Good job!" to each other. Shaddy also loves come to me with two cards turned over and have me guess what is on the card. If I get it right, he always exclaims, "Good job!" to me and runs back to get more. The best part is when he has two cards overturned wanting me to guess what's on the card, but before I can guess he whispers to me what it is, and when i guess guessed it - "Good job!" he says. The game never gets old.
With some friends:

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