a taste of Okahandja:


driving to Nau Aib

The second evening we got to meet up with Maveja after she got home from work and we had a wonderful little braai – just like old times – in the sand outside her house. It was SO good to catch up and share a meal together. Her dad and brother even came home in time to eat with us. Maveja’s little boy – JJ – is about 1 yr and half now and he’s a cute little thing. He didn’t know what to think of me at first. He was fine with Sam, so we decided that my skin color was freaking him out. But he eventually warmed up to me. Maveja is working 7 days a week right now, as a cleaner for the National Defence Force at Osana Base which is a little bit outside Okahandja. After our braai, she said she wanted to see about getting a few days off so we could spend some time together, which she did, and so we’ll be getting together next week to really catch up.
Maveja and JJ


I was also able to re-connect with the ladies at the woodcarvers market, spend some time chatting with them and show them some of our wedding photos, which they were asking about. On Thursday a team from CA came into OKH as their last stop before heading home after serving for 2 weeks in Keetmanshoop. They had a big braai Thursday night and Sylvia, Sam and I invited ourselves for some very yummy food. =)
Braai Night #2 - Jennie

During the day Sam spent most of his time doing odd jobs around the center – fixing things and working with his hands – the way he feels most happy. I got to help him put in rods in the closets for hanging clothes.
so happy...

I also got my hair cut by the lady who used to do my hair when I live in OKH. She even remembered me after 2 years and asked where I had been. And as usual she did a phenomenal job with her crazy flying scissors. Sam calls it my “Russian Cutie” haircut. At first I didn’t know if that was good or bad, but according to his comment this morning, I now know that’s a compliment. =) But you can judge for yourself.
I asked Sam to take a picture and he started taking a while photo shoot. I was laughing and here’s what resulted:
Things we’ve been enjoying:
Sun, sun , sun!
Boerevors and broetchens
dear friends
glorious sunsets
more stars then you’ve ever seen
the little changes that happen in 2 years (or 3 in Sam’s case)
Oma rusks
my new “Russian Cutie” haircut
creamy vanilla
Namibian Coke
going to bed early and waking up early
the way Africa just brings a smile like no other place can
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