since then, both she and i have made our own, and while wearing any of these lovely creations, both my roomie and i are constantly getting comments. the remarks run the gammut from amber being grabbed by the shoulders by a perfumed, big-haired southern baptist lady to my encounter with a security guard in the grocery store parking lot. the latter is the one i shall now explain.
so amber and i are in my car pulling out of a parking space at the grocery store and heading towards to exit. a security guard is walking towards us and motioning with his hands. i slow the car and roll down the window. he approaches.
security guard: wow, that's a really pretty necklace.
amanda: (inner monologue: this is weird) uh, thanks.
security guard: does it mean something?
amanda: (inner monologue: you stopped me to talk about my necklace?) no...
security guard: oh, ok...i though maybe you were a witch or something. didn't know if i should ask about it...thought maybe you'd turn me green or something!
amanda:'s just a pretty necklace. (inner monologue: let's get out of here!)
i roll up the window and make a quick exit. i look at amber.
amber: you should have said yes and pretended to put a spell on him.
well, all that to say this: you too could own your very own witch necklace.
i am making them as a way to raise funds for my africa mission trip in June. they're $10 a piece so if you're interested, feel free to post here or talk to me the next time you see me. if you don't know what i'm talking about, i'll post some pics of a few here soon so you can get a idea. tell friends, neighbors, coworkers, family...anybody you can think of, and the money will be going towards the mission trip. and if they give their name, i can even get them a receipt from the church if they would like for tax purposes.
here's me in the afore mentioned "witch necklace"...

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