Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ministry Recap

Ok, time for the much awaited Ministry Recap/Update I promised to write up once I gathered my thoughts. I decided to split it up into several entries because there’s a lot to recap. And remember, this is only a few highlighted things from the last two weeks! God is doing much more here than I could ever write enough to describe. And so much more than I know or even recognize.

We have attended a church here that may actually be teaching the Truth to people. There wasn’t any, “give-us-money-to-receive-your-blessing-from-God” teaching. In fact, the first Sunday we attended there was teaching on humility. It is a church that meets in a big tent not far from my house. The service was in Kavango but also translated into English. There was such a family atmosphere, to the point that they actually waited to begin the program until everyone had arrived – which in Africa takes quite a while. Until everyone got there we sang more songs, praising God through music. There were no instruments (which if you’ve been to many African churches usually means 1980’s synthesized keyboard) just voices with great harmonies, songs in different languages, and of course, dancing. And, as it turns out, the guy who did the preaching on Sunday (one of the men being discipled by the pastor of the church and training under him) was Tiago, a man from the Woodcarvers Bible study that Buddy and I have been leading. And he actually taught from Matthew Chapter 3, which is the chapter that we had most recently studied together. It’s just cool how God brings certain people into the path of numerous people that, if obedient, can be used greatly in shaping someone’s growth in the Lord. I say this because Bona, Kendall’s mom, formed a friendship with Tiago on a past trip here and he carries a book that she gave him about the Lord. Isn’t it amazing how God’s puzzle is put together?

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